
Supporting blood pressure testing in our communities

Part of King's Health Partners' Primary Care Webinar Series

This webinar will launch the a new co-produced tool to support community organisations in SEL with blood pressure testing in non-clinical community settings.

An illustrated group of colleagues from different roles in the healthcare system
Funding Opportunities
Collaboration & Innovation
February 26, 2025
1pm - 2pm
60 minutes
Dr Luca Faconti, Hypertension Consultant, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS FT, and Clinical Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology, King's College London; Dr Siân Howell, GP, Lewisham, and Clinical Lead, Clinical Effectiveness South East London; Nadine Fontaine-Palmer PhD, CEO, Mabadiliko CIC; Tal Rosenzweig, Director of Voluntary Sector Collaboration & Partnerships, South East London Integrated Care System
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Application deadline:
February 26, 2025

The next King's Health Partners' Primary Care Webinar is titled 'Supporting blood pressure testing in our communities – the launch of an innovative tool developed in SEL for community and clinical collaborations'.

This webinar will launch the a new co-produced tool to support community organisations in south east London with blood pressure testing in non-clinical community settings. The tool was co-produced by Mabadiliko in collaboration with community groups and with clinical input from Clinical Effectiveness in South East London. It aims to support partnership working between community organisations and their local GP/PCN or pharmacy teams to help increase blood pressure detection in community settings. We will hear from the team that developed the tool as well as from experts on the importance of blood pressure detection, as well as from the South East London Integrated Care System Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) lead on the key role the VCSE sector can play in supporting better blood pressure detection and improving health outcomes.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Rachna Chowla, Joint Director of Clinical Strategy, King's Health Partners.


  • Dr Luca Faconti, Hypertension Consultant, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS FT, and Clinical Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology, King's College London
  • Dr Siân Howell, GP, Lewisham, and Clinical Lead, Clinical Effectiveness South East London
  • Nadine Fontaine-Palmer PhD, CEO, Mabadiliko CIC
  • Tal Rosenzweig, Director of Voluntary Sector Collaboration & Partnerships, South East London Integrated Care System

Watch a recording of the Blood Pressure Community tool webinar here.

Local community organisations are invited to consider a funded opportunity to help test and embed a community BP screening tool.  Further details, including an expression of interest, are available here.

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